Some Fun Suggestions for a Spooky Halloween

I happily put away all the Diwali decorations and couldn’t wait to put my feet up, when Baby S excitedly announced that we would be celebrating Halloween this year! While it sounded a lot of fun, I soon realised I had absolutely no idea about any Halloween activities for a toddler! Simply decorating the house with skeletons and spider webs just didn’t make sense. Here are a few fun Halloween ideas that we have immensely enjoyed.

A spooky read of the Room on the Broom  Julia Donaldson

A great read about a kind and generous Witch who would always lend a helping hand to all those in need.  When the Witch finds herself in trouble, all those little animals, whom she had helped earlier, come together to save her from a deadly monster. While we enjoyed playing the different characters in the book, and coming up with spooky mantras for the Witch’s potion,  Baby S also learnt an important life lesson about kindness and generosity!

To make the book reading more fun, invite your little one’s friends and ask them to dress up as the different characters to add that extra magic!


Making our own Halloween costumes

We decided to make our own Halloween costumes and since we had read a Witch story we decided to make Witch and Wizard Hats. It was a fun and yet fairly simple project. All we needed was some black chart paper, a hole punch, string, glue, stapler, scissors, glitter and potion of giggles and smiles!


Easy Steps to make your own Witch and Wizard Hats

  • Cut out a semicircle with black chart paper and shape into a cone. Attach the point at which the two sides of paper meet using the stapler and try on the hat for size. If it’s too big or small, remove the staples and try again.
  • When you’ve achieved the right size, apply glue along the seam.
  • Measure the inside diameter of the cone. Use this measurement to create a circle on a piece of black chart paper.
  • Next, draw a larger circle. The center is the same for both circles. This will become the outer edge of the hat’s brim. Its size will depend on your taste and you’ll need to experiment a bit. Cut the larger circle and then cut inside where the small circle is; it should look like a tire when cut properly.
  • To finish making the witch hat, attach the brim to the cone. Make the necessary adjustments before applying the glue and press firmly. When dry start decorating the hat with glitter and paper cut outs!

Mini me dress up!

What can be more fun than dressing up with your little one! Baby S and I are dressing up as mommy and baby pumpkin! There are a host of other spooky mommy and baby Halloween costume ideas!

Halloween Themed Baking

Baking with toddlers is always most fun! Pick some easy recipes and design your own friendly ghosts! And if you’re not the best baker like me, you can get a muffin or a cookie and whip up your chocolate sauce and toppings! We made an adorable ghost cupcake with muffin, chocolate icing, lollipop and some ready made fondant mix


Simple steps for a Ghost Cupcake

  • Begin by rolling out the fondant to about 1/16-inch. Be sure to dust your work surface with cornstarch so it doesn’t stick.
  • Use a 4-inch cookie cutter or paring knife to cut circles.
  • Place each circle over a lollipop and form into the shape of a ghost.
  • Place the ghost lollipop in the center of a cupcake already covered with chocolate icing.
  • And finally make ghost eyes with some extra chocolate icing or edible black decorating gel

Halloween party with fun science experiments!

And finally we had a great time at  a Halloween party where witches and wizards conjured magic with the help of some super fun science experiments! We made slime, found spiders in the witch’s gooey potion and also collected some colourful and magical gooey marbles. But the best part was watching the wizards experiment with dry ice. While Baby S was enthralled by the drama and mystique created by dry ice, somewhere along the way, he also developed a genuine interest in understanding how things work. There are various science kits that can be used to create these experiments at home. Would definitely recommend these kits to add some science to the magic! wonderlab-junior-super-science-kit-original-imadx5cjq3rgcas5

Do share your Halloween fun ideas with us! Happy Halloween..Have a Spooky One.