Takes Two to Tango!

Parenting is not rocket science, but for some reason it manages to strike fear in the strongest and toughest of us! Right from the time that you receive the first confirmation that there is a little angel residing within you, the self-doubts and fears begin! Am I eating right? Is the baby growing fine? Am I resting enough? And the list of doubts go on. But it was at this very step that I realized that parenting is not about trying to become a supermom who tries to do it all by herself, but about sharing this amazing experience with the one person who gets the doubts and fears sometimes even better than you – the father– to-be. I remember the countless times when my husband would let me rest at home and step out to pick up the dry cleaning or even my favorite tub of ice cream. One of the most important things I was constantly told during my pregnancy was to stay calm and happy as it had a direct impact on the baby’s development. And I can say it with confidence that I could neither have been calm nor happy, if my husband had not been by my side taking care of my every needs all through the nine months.

And as I held my little angel in my arms, I realized that this was only the beginning of this beautiful journey that we had embarked on together. Whether it was changing diapers, waking up in the middle of the night to rock the baby back to sleep or just making silly faces to make our little cupcake giggle – I always found my husband right by my side. And while we’re both good at taking care of baby S and manage him perfectly well on the odd days when either of us is working late or travelling, I don’ t think we could ever individually offer Baby S the same wholesome childhood like we do as a team! This sentiment was beautifully captured during a recent blogger meet organised by MyCity4Kids and Pampers to launch Pamper’s ‘It takes two’ campaign, where Mr. Sushant Kalra and Dr. Shelja Sen spoke about the merits and positive impact of both parents being equally involved in raising the baby.

I couldn’t resonate with the sentiment more. While I love planning messy art days, cute craft sessions and interactive reading sessions to encourage Baby S’ creative side, my husband ensures he develops an interest in different sporting activities and learns to enjoy and explore the outdoors. Sometimes when I see them play in the garden, act silly and laugh uncontrollably – special moments that I probably would not be able to create on my own for Baby S, it reaffirms my belief that Baby S is getting a holistic childhood, one where both of us are able to offer the best of our individual personalities to help him discover his own potential and identity. According to a recently conducted survey by Neilson in association with Pampers, 97% moms stated that they believe that #ItTakes2 to raise a happy, healthy baby. It’s like they say – there’s no ‘I’ in a ‘TEAM’ and that’s exactly what parenting is about. A perfect team of 2! Right from the time we decide to have the baby, to the nine months of pregnancy and finally raising that little wonder – it’s about being in it together, trusting each other, overlooking mistakes and cheering each other on as we make the more tougher parenting decisions!
