Let them Explore!

Every new toy that my little one manages to lay his hands on is pretty much dismantled within a week. He’s extremely fond of cars, but what he loves most is the motion of the wheels. The initial few days are spent examining how the wheels are working and racing the car across the whole house, but soon the car is turned upside down to examine the rotation of the wheels and then gradually one by one the wheels are pulled out. While this slow but sure destruction of all his cars is definitely not fun for my wallet, I have gradually learnt to appreciate his fascination and curiosity to understand how things work!

More often than not we’re so worried that our littler toddler will break an expensive toy that unknowingly we end up stalling the development of this inherent curiosity that they are all blessed with! So now I avoid getting too many really expensive toys that I would feel the need to guard at all times, instead I try to buy less expensive cars that I’m okay if he completely dismantles as well as toys that actually require assembling such as building blocks, Legos etc. I absolutely love the DUPLO collection of Lego.

These activities don’t only help encourage curiosity and creativity but also help significantly in developing motor skills. And above all, its super fun watching baby S engrossed in creating his own version of super fast cars or unique towers. The adorable stories behind each of these unique inventions are my favourite stress busters at the end of a long day!